XP Not Booting And Last Known Good Configuration does not work

Posted on
  • Wednesday, May 11, 2011
  • by
  • siva
  • in
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  • If booting from Last Known Good Configuration does not work, and if a Windows XP repair does not work,here is another option, I have been successful everytime repairing a hung windows XP.
    If the file system is fat32, you can boot with a Windows 98 boot disk and do the following.

    If the file system is NTFS, boot with the Windows XP CD to recovery console (you will need to know the administrator password) and do the following.

    I have been successful in getting windows to boot by just replacing the system file, so you might want to try that first. You may end up having to re-install a few programs after the boot is successful

    If the copying in the system file does not work, then do these
    Note:these files, system,software,sam,security & default do not have file extensions to them.

    from c:\windows md tmp
    copy C:\windows\system32\config\system C:\windows\tmp\system.bak
    copy C:\windows\system32\config\software C:\windows\tmp\software.bak
    copy C:\windows\system32\config\sam C:\windows\tmp\sam.bak
    copy C:\windows\system32\config\security C:\windows\tmp\security.bak
    copy C:\windows\system32\config\default C:\windows\tmp\default.bak
    delete C:\windows\system32\config\system
    delete C:\windows\system32\config\software
    delete C:\windows\system32\config\Sam
    delete C:\windows\system32\config\security
    delete C:\windows\system32\config\default
    copy C:\windows\repair\system C:\windows\system32\config\system
    copy C:\windows\repair\software C:\windows\system32\config\software
    copy C:\windows\repair\sam C:\windows\system32\config\sam
    copy C:\windows\repair\security C:\windows\system32\config\security
    copy C:\windows\repair\default C:\windows\system32\config\default


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