I built my own computer. It doesn't boot. Why not?

Posted on
  • Wednesday, May 11, 2011
  • by
  • siva
  • in
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  • This is the crux of the homebuilder's dilemma. You've spent weeks selecting components, ordering them, painstakingly assembling a computer, and now the thing doesn't turn on. But you have no one to turn to since you built it yourself. Generally, the diagnosis is fairly straightforward, it depends on how far the computer gets into the boot process.
    Try starting the system with only the following connected: motherboard power, case power switch (or motherboard power switch for ATX), speaker, CPU, memory, video card. Disconnect/remove all other peripherals.
    Symptom                     Probable Causes
    =======                     ===============
    No power (power      motherboard shorted to case,
    supply fan does      ATX power switch not connected,
    not spin)            power supply bad 
    Power, no video,     speaker not connected, motherboard shorted to case, 
    no POST beeps        CPU not seated, m/b power connector reversed
    Power, POST beeps,   memory improperly seated or wrong type, video card
    no video             improperly seated or bad. See BIOS manufacturer's
                         site for translation of beep code, or
    Power, no beeps,     incorrect motherboard jumper settings, incorrect
    video, no error      parameters - select "power on defaults" from BIOS
    message              setup menu
    Power, no beeps,     see http://www.pcguide.com/ts/x/sys/booterr.htm
    error message        for translation of error message
    Power, no beeps,     disk CHS parameters incorrect, incorrect
    "missing operating   mode (LBA/ECHS), hard disk not partitioned and/or 
    system" message      formatted, system files missing or corrupt
    See the following for a very detailed boot troubleshooting procedure: http://www.pcguide.com/ts/x/boot/quick.htm. Here's another analysis procedure: http://www.computercraft.com/docs/pcanalysis.html


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